Archive for June, 2010

June 23

All I can say is WOW!! It feels like life is speeding. I can not believe a month has passed. Well, the Month was full with my going to the East Coast in MA to visit with family for a niece’s graduation from High School. I am so happy
I was able to attend. My niece and I got to hang out together for the ten days I was there and did some serious
girl things like shopping, laughing, movies and eating out. It was sooooo much fun. Then, I returned and
attended a friend’s High School Graduation!! I am feeling many of the after effects of having completed the
Master Reiki Attunement. Therefore I am feeling less grounded at the moment. Things are getting done though
with my apartment and other demands. The challenge is to be present and to flow with things as they happen
and stop trying to push my own agenda. There is also full moon energy happening this coming weekend. I feel
like I am more in tune to the full moon energy than I ever was prior to my attunement. Well, enough for now.

Posted on: June 23rd, 2010 No Comments