Archive for July, 2011

July 3, 2011

The night prior to July 4th!! I must say when I began my own yoga process I had no idea where it would all lead and what it all truly meant. I am grateful to have had Yoga enter my life. It is bringing me into more and more of an awareness of who I am and what gifts I can offer to others.

It was simply only Yoga until about 2 years ago when I began a process with Reiki. Reiki has helped me journey even further into my own psyche and further develop my gifts. Reiki is sort of the polishing of what Yoga began.

I am so grateful to be able to share these gifts with others. I am grateful that my lifestyle for the past two years has allowed me to have the time that my mind and body and even spirit have needed to heal and become all that I can be to others.

I am very excited tomorrow to teach a Yoga class at a nearby park in Solana Beach. One of my students at LA Fitness requested that I offer something. And so I said yes and quickly put together an event. I feel this is a very positive step. I love the outdoors, love Yoga and love people. What more can I want for an amazing 4th of July.

I will be going later to a friend’s house to celebrate which will end my day even more perfectly. I am truly blessed!!

Posted on: July 3rd, 2011 No Comments