Archive for January, 2011

January 28 2011

Well, I am not sure what is happening with this blog. I can see the prior entries from the actual website but not from my current page. But here we are almost all the way through January of 2011. I went to Washington, DC for my 50th Birthday.

Yes, I said 50th Birthday which is hard for even me to believe. I do not feel 50 at all and most people say I don’t look 50. I will say though I guess I feel wiser in many ways. It is interesting that I may have made different choices with certain things had I known what I now know. Regardless though I do not have any regrets. I guess if there were regrets it would only be that I did not encounter Yoga and Meditation at a younger age.

Yoga and Meditation have improved the quality of my life greatly!! I feel that I am more the person that I was born into this world being if that makes any sense. It is like Yoga and Meditation help you see yourself more clearly. As a result of seeing more clearly you choose more clearly what aspects you want to keep of your behavior and what aspects you do not. You then make active changes based on that and with practice you really can change. I really believe I have brought about many things in my life since Yoga from a much more positive perspective. I am less of a victim of life and much more of a participant in my life story. It is very freeing.

Posted on: January 28th, 2011 No Comments

January 3, 2011

It is the beginning of a New Year. Last year ended with a trip back to the Boston
area to spend time with family and friends!! I was there for about two weeks!
It snowed during my time there- the day after Christmas!! It was a fun and busy

When I look back on my year I feel so blessed by all the things I have done
and experienced!! As the year was progressing there were times
when I felt that nothing was happening but now when I look back
I actually see a lot of growth has happened! I am now fully into a
private practice of teaching Yoga and Providing Reiki for others!! I have
also relocated to Solana Beach, an area that is more suited to my
work interests.

I have met many, many people and have developed close relationships
with some. I am grateful for all people that enter my life as they all
provide a reflection of who I am and where I need to grow.

As 2011 ensues I strongly believe in Daily Affirmations. I wish to
continue with teaching Yoga whether it is in classes or one-on-one.
I sincerely hope to see the classes develop at Ocean Crest Apts.
I seek to continue with my Reiki Practice as well and will follow
through on passing an exam for the complete Reiki Master so that
I may teach others and attune others to this amazing gift. I will
continue to develop my own Spiritual Practice and Yoga Practice
and will learn more about the use of Crystals and Oils as it
pertains to my life and the lives of others.

Most of all for 2011 each day I hope to be the best I can be
for all I meet. I hope to stay focused on the positive but
yet also humbled by the challenges. I seek to continue
to connect with others.

Well, here is to 2011!!! I believe you create your own
reality and so here I move forward to do just that
and hopefully creating a positive reality that all
can benefit from.

Posted on: January 3rd, 2011 No Comments