Archive for September, 2011

September 23, 2011

WOW this year seems to be flying by. It has been a few challenging months.

A very busy and fun ending to the summer. A bit of reprieve in September but now it is picking up again. I am feeling the energetic shift that everyone is talking about. Lots of my own inner work issues are coming up and I am doing my best to face them head on as they come. This means being gentle with myself and participating in self care. Self care includes my daily yoga and meditation, a walk in nature (usually at the beach for me), a bath with epsom salts and/or oils and some time alone. I highly recommend these practices if you are ever out of sorts.

The other thing happening is that I am now looking at leaving the country possibly for a year. I am considering Mexico and Japan. It will likely be Japan. Japan is where Reiki developed initially and I would hope to be in or near the town of Kyoto. Kyoto is where Reiki began. I want to teach English as a Second Language and plus experience another culture and language.

In the meantime I have also started taking Spanish lessons thinking this would help me if I move to Mexico and certainly it is helpful in my apartment complex. I love learning another language and it has been fun to connect more strongly with my neighbors who are very excited when I talk with them in Spanish. It is not much now mostly hello and how are you and then answering them these same questions. I am grateful to have the opportunity to do this.

Well enough for now and see you soon.

Posted on: September 23rd, 2011 No Comments