August 7

I will say that New Moon and eclipse was intense. And now it is
time again for another new moon. Things have started
moving here at Ocean Crest Apartments!! I am excited
about this.

This past week has been awesome and great lessons of
going with the flow were tossed my way. There were
two days that I observed things simply unfolding in
their own time as they should. For example, one day
feeling like I would not accomplish some tasks in a timely
manner, the universe graciously handed me what I
needed one step at a time. I left the SRF after some peaceful
time and thought where can I get this letter notarized and
thinking I had to drive to the next town or so. Well,
driving and unexpected way and following a message
in my head “go with the flow of traffic” sure enough
within a 100 yards of where I was a notary appeared.
Once accomplishing this task I then thought I need
to get keys copied and I need a present for a friend.
I followed a thought to drive to Soul Scape down the
road. An awesome spiritual store I love to go in
but often get held up there browsing for way too
long so I was skeptical. However, I followed the
thought, accidentally drove past the store entrance
I usually use and ended up directly in front of
Ace Hardware! Ah huh I can take care of the
key and then easily go to Soul Scape. Still
skeptical of getting caught at Soul Scape I
followed the thought (guess these thoughts
may actually be intuition) and within five
minutes found the perfect gift. I thought wow
saved from shopping forever! I was able to
get to my apartment in time. I needed to get
there prior to the office closing so I could get
a book I left at the pool. That is assuming
someone brought the book in. Well, sure
enough my book was still at the pool and I
did not have to go into the office! Also,
a person at the pool commented on not
noticing my book there. This offered me an
opportunity to introduce myself to this
resident and let her know about the
yoga classes I would be teaching . She
was definitely interested. Hmmmm? I
should follow these thoughts or
intuition a lot more as basically
everything I needed was right in front of
me and taken care of. God does work
in mysterious ways you just have to
tap in and listen.

Posted on: August 7th, 2010 No Comments

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